*Busily Working Away in the Background*

November 21st, 2007

If there is one thing I hate doing its not living up to my promises. One of the promises that I made for this blog was that I’d post every 3 days or so. Now sometimes I haven’t lived up to this but in doing so I have always fixed the problem by posting more frequently before a gap or posting longer, better articles.

As of late I haven’t been able to post as much. Thats not to say that I don’t have content to post its that I’ve been working around the clock to complete the major transforation that this blog will under go in the next day or two.

So I just wanted to keep you guys informed on what will be going on. Be sure to check back here in the next day or two. Thanks for your patience during this busy time.

Possible Future Pre-release Playtests

November 11th, 2007

A few months ago one of my workmates was lucky enough to attend a product information night where several manufacturers got together and showed off their latest gear. In terms of games you had both Sony and Nintendo attending with Nintendo having the largest presence(as Sony wanted to focus on some of their other products).

My mate got to play a bunch of games before release including Brain Age for the Wii and Zelda Phantom Hourglass. Exciting stuff eh? Unfortunately only one staff member could attend and well I am the youngest and least available member in the department.

I’ve checked with my boss and in future I might be able to attend. Which means that I get to give some pre-release opinions. Of course being Australian the games would have probably been released a few months before hand so its probably not much of a big deal.

More Guest Writing

November 8th, 2007

Hey Guys, I just wanted to give you all a quick heads up on some guest writing that I’ve recently done. Once again I have made a small contribution over at Retro Gaming with RacketBoy. A blog that I myself thoroughly enjoy reading. I wrote up the Golden Sun and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance sections. Be sure to check it out:

The Best Gameboy Advance Games For Today Even If You Own A DS