See You on the Other Side

October 20th, 2007

Hey Guys, its almost been a whole week without anything new. I feel terribly guilty about this because I have plenty of interesting ideas for articles just(once again) not enough time to share them with you guys.

I’ve bought a new HD display, had a 19hr Metal Gear-athon, plummeted in my Street Fighter Alpha tally as well. And then there has been all of these awesome announcements flying out of Capcom this week. I promise that I will soon post about them all.

Fortunately I should be able to finish my two major design projects for Uni next week. From then on I am almost a free man for the mammoth 4 month Uni break. Awesomeness. This time will allow me to focus more on quality content and also advertising the site as I haven’t done the latter for a while now.

I plan on kicking off the long holiday celebration with a major site overhaul. I am going to be ripping out the non gaming related articles on this site and add them to a separate personal blog(with this design). As for this part of the site(the gaming blog), I will be installing an already finished design which looks superb and adding a whole bunch of features.

So its definitely very exciting news, all I have to do now is get there first. So thanks for putting up with the lack of content over the past few days. I seriously hate doing it to you guys. So over the next week I should be able to get a grip on everything and keep things going at a regular pace.

Also a bit heads up to the RSS subscribers, the last few days have been our highest(for some reason). Anyways, seeya on the other side.

Unfinished Business

August 5th, 2007

I just wanted to take the time to chase up some old business related to some previous entries in the blog. Firstly I’ll begin with the recent release of Shinobi III for the Wii’s Virtual Console. I wrote a Retro Review on the game early last month(more RRs on the way ;)). Now that this game is readily(or will be shortly) available its a good opportunity to snatch it up. If you’re unsure then take a flick thru the review. Metroid and Castlevania fans whom also have a love for B-grade ninja action should check this title out.

I mentioned in my Avcon Adventures post that I would link to photos from Avcon when they became available. And they are now available, in fact there are piles of photos and videos available. So take a peek.

Lastly I added DP’s Fav Posts to the side bar, so if you are new to the blog, this page tells you where to find the gold.

DP out!