A Few Fixes

February 6th, 2008

metal gear rex

Hey guys, I’ve made a few quick site fixes in the past few days that I want to quickly point out. If you want you can try and seek them out yourself otherwise here is the list below:

I’m sure a lot of you will e pleased about the darkened font colour. If its still not dark eough for the brighter monitors thenlet me know.

I decided to change the name of the blog as ‘the gaming blog of Daniel Primed’ sounds pretty anal actually. Where as Daniel Primed’s Gamer Blog has more punch to it and the gamer part also stresses that I write for you guys; the gamers.

I’m not sure about my current tagline: “Video Gaming Awesomeness”. Its cool but will probably be changed once I can think of something that sounds better. I’d like to include a Monkey Island quote but I don’t think that everyone would get it. So I’m looking for suggestions, if you have any then leave me a comment and I’ll use my favourite one.

Site Updates (14/1/07)

January 14th, 2008

Hey guys, I’ve made a few fixes and tweaks to the website for your viewing pleasure, so heres the list of changes:

I still need to get the tags working as they don’t link correctly. But beyond that the site is now much more polished. If you do notice any broken links or site faults then please leave a comment.

Welcome to The Gaming Blog

November 22nd, 2007

So you’ve probably come to the site to see whats new and have been stunned by the crazy transformation, right? Well allow me to explain whats going on.

What I have done is removed all of the non video game related content an placed it in a new personal blog located at http://primescape.danielprimed.com . I did this to make the blogs more defined in content rather than being a mish mash of unrelated old and new topics. To find out more about everything that has happened take a look here.

What’s New?

What you’ll firstly notice is the new template to accommodate the overall site revision. I’ve stuck with a familiar layout but changed the graphics to give the site a new feel. With this I have added new regular feature image buttons and added a site poll. In addition there will be a few smaller changes going on while I adjust the site to my liking.

As I started writing about video games 6 months ago all of the content since then is on this blog. I’ve had to re-date some of the older content that I wanted to keep so that it fitted within this time period too. Everything else is over at PrimeScape.


I hope that you all like this new move. Although if something isn’t working or doesn’t look right then please drop me an email via the contact form or just leave a comment. WordPress likes to leave little symbols everywhere and mess up the page’s HTML. So theres probably a few of those kinda errors lurking around.

I’ll be working on the site over the next few days, just ironing out any remaining problems. I’ve already got a slew of great articles on the way to celebrate the revised version of this site, so be sure to subscribe to the RSS or email feed to stay up to date.

Thanks heaps for your continued support. ^_^