Rearranging Categories

April 21st, 2008

I’ve made a couple of slight site changes that I just want to make clear. Based on the recent poll an a few ideas of my own I have added and reworked some of the site features and categories.

Analysis, Culture , Industry Issues and Critique have been added to the list of categories and each one holds a significant amount of weight. This should hopefully make it a bit more easier to move through the content. Now if only I had an easy way of moving of moving the titles around to make them look a bit cleaner. 🙁

I have also removed Gaming Analysis from a regular feature (because it isn’t one) and replaced it with Play Impressions which I hope to continue on a regular basis.

Need Some Content Feedback

March 25th, 2008

super mario bros 3 mario shellLately I have been pondering over the direction in which I would like to take this blog in the future and about how I can further advance my writing while staying open and accessible to casual readers. You can read some of these thoughts here. To aid my thinking I have decided to do a bit of market research and find out what sort of content you, my audience prefer.

I have created a new site poll which you can find on the right hand menu which asks the question.

What Sort of Content Would You Prefer to See on the Site?

I have selected fou of the most popular posting categories in the video game blogging niche, that is:

  1. Video Game Design – analysis of video game design techniques
  2. Industry Coverage – information and observations on the happens within the gaming industry
  3. Video Game Critique – impressions and reviews of video games
  4. Software Discussion – history lessons, observations and general discussion on software

I haven’t actually posted very much on video game design yet, it is an itch that I am currently scratching and you’ll see the result of that soon.

So help me out and let me know what you most enjoy reading on the site. I am also very happy to hear any general critique be it good or bad.

Additional Guest Writing

February 17th, 2008

I want to tell you readers that I’ve been a little disappointed with the last few posts here on my Gamer Blog. Although I am definetly pleased with them I feel as though I have wound down a bit after a fantastic run of A grade posts. I’ve been trying to continue to raise the bar but for this week (thats last week) the bar has remained stationary.

I’ve had a bit of writers block recently and most of my attention has been put into a guest post that I wrote over at the Retro Gaming with RacketBoy titled:

Nintendo Games & Franchises Forgotten Too Quickly

For a few months I have wanted to contribute a full article to this blog and finally I have done just that. I also wanted to write this the guest article to address what I see to be a major problem. It really does frustrate me how so many non franchise, Nintendo titles suffer at the hand of the big three, Nintendo’s own Triforce. So if you are looking for a unique, refreshing game to play then check out any of the games listed.

I was looking forward to sharing my ideas about the new King of Fighters trailer from the AOU this morning. Unfortunately I am still recovering from some stuff that happened on the weekend so I might just have to write that one up later on. So please check out my guest post in the meantime.