You’re Twisting my Arm Here Sony
September 1st, 2008
NB: As it stands the Australian dollar stands at about $0.98 American dollars, so almost equivalent, keep this in mind when reading. Of course this article was also written a while ago too.
Despite my enthusiasm for the release of Metal Gear Solid 4, there was a lot of friction involved in balancing up whether a Playstation 3, at this stage in the game, was worth the $AUD750 purchase. Truth is, I am a very cautious buyer and I never like to plonk down the cash on a big investment unless I am certain that the investment with more than cater towards my needs.
Another personality trait of mine is that I hold no shame in playing games that are a few years past their used by date. So the bright lights of next gen didn’t really woo me to a great extent. Therefore if I was going to buy a PS3, I needed a real sufficient reason to do so. Fortunately for the big wigs at Sony, MGS4 was more than sufficient but it didn’t mean that the choice was an easy one by any lengths.
Major Sony Micro Announcements
September 20th, 2007
Thats right folks a double helping of Japanese game expo excellence. Now to put it bluntly, the TGS is really Sony’s events. With no Nintendo to distract people from Sony’s showings and the Xbox 360 being a dud in Japan its no wonder why Sony seized the opportunity to make some small announcements. Being:
Rumble Shock 3 Announced
Thats right folks, Sony have finally announced the real PS3 controller, with rumble. Theres not much else to say really. What surprised me though was the upcoming titles that are already supporting the rumble, namely:
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Burnout Paradise
- Devil May Cry 4
- Echochrome
- and more..
I guess this shows that Sony have had this idea in the pipeline for a while. Considering that it already has support by important 3rd party developers.
Home Service Delayed
Sony’s Online Home service has been delayed until Spring due to Sony wanting to respond to use feed back on some important service issues
Playstation Store available via PC
Thats right the Playstation store will be available to use via your PC. You can use the sevice to access most features, games being the exception. The PSP can also use the PC to access the store hence not requiring a PS3 console.