Visual Connection – Inside Out Game Covers

August 30th, 2008

I’ve always admired Sony, not just Sony Computer Entertainment but Sony as a worldwide manufacture of electronics. For a few years I worked in retail selling electrical goods and built up that wider interest in Sony products which grew from the premium nature of the brand. I have a Sony DSLR camera and a pair of Sony headphones both have faithfully delivered good quality.

They say that with a ‘premium’ brand it’s all the little things combined which improve the quality of the product and demand the premium price. I like to think of the following as an example of that. I noticed that some of my PSP and PS3 games have artwork on the back of the front cover (that’s on the same piece of paper, in the inside). Take a look at what I mean:

playstation inside out cover

Neat isn’t it? While only a few games have the inside artwork, I’d like to think that as games move forwards companies can continue to deliver on these subtle advantages.

Last Few Days Explanation

August 29th, 2008

I’m here in ShangHai and most of my responsibilities have been sorted (money, food, accomodation). As expected I have internet access at one of the many Internet Cafes in the city. The two closest ones from me (both 5 minutes away) are gaming themed venues which is cool too.

All of the information on my trip so far has been written up at length on my personal blog. So click through if you are interested, it might just be best to skim and look at the pictures though.

As I mentioned before I left I have a few articles in the bank. So I will be posting them up in the meantime. I have about a week and a half before I start studying so I can’t really say how I’ll go for keeping up with the previous schedule. I am hoping to gun for one good sized article (800 words) every three days.

There isn’t much else for me to say. If you are reading this then it probably means that I have a system worked out for how to post blog articles on the site. I look forward to sharing with you what I have. Until the end of he year will probably be very PC/Indie themed which I think should be pretty cool (as there are plenty of free indie games that I want to discuss).

Thanks you, all the best.

See You in the Next One (Have a Good Time)

August 24th, 2008

the verve

On Tuesday I will be arriving in ShangHai, China (all the backstory here) which means that I am uncertain of how long it’ll be between posts. I already have a slew of posts in the bank, so really I just need 5 minutes and an internet connection – shouldn’t be a drama but don’t count on anything new for a few days.

In the meantime though I have congregated all of my recent guest writing below. Each article is pretty meaty so there should be plenty to feed on while I am preparing for the new semester. From no on you’ll be able to find all of these articles on the About page. I hope to be back soon, details of my journey should be shared among my flickr, Twitter and personal blog.

Video Games Blogger

Super Mario Land review of the Game Boy classic

Classic NES review: Nintendo World Cup

Super Mario Land 2 review of the Game Boy classic

Zath! Tech and Games

Taking Handheld Gaming Seriously