New Site Design and Layout

July 27th, 2008

The title basically says it all, so if you are reading this by RSS or Email then click through to the site and take a look.

I wanted to redesign the site to create a more personalized look, to reinforce the character that is developing within my blogging voice. While the previous “bathroom” look the site was fine and received a good wrap by most readers, in my mind it lacked the sensory warmth that I wanted my readers to feel when experiencing my site.

Overall I am very happy with the new design as it was an opportunity to alleviate some of the previous layout and design issues. I now have a proper header, text doesn’t burn your eyes anymore, links are noticeable and clutter is removed.

Along with the new design I have again renamed to site to just Daniel Primed, which is also my online alias. I’ll be rolling out a resized header and will be using larger, images in my post as it paints a better picture of what I am talking about and improves flow, expect those starting from the next post.

Of course, fixes such as the contact form shall be done in the next week, for the most part everything is completed. I would love to hear your thoughts on the new design so leave me a comment.