DP’s Gaming Wallpapers
April 30th, 2008
Oh boy, this is somewhat embarrasing. As mentioned in the previous post I am interested in graphic design and also photography, you can find some of my work on my deviantART page and on my flickr account. Many years ago I created a few video game based wallpapers when my design skills weren’t too crash hot. Even though it is painful looking at these pieces now, some of them, the more recent ones (2 years ago) aren’t too bad. Since I don’t have anywhere to upload these wallpapers to, I thought that I could make this site their last resting place. So below are the wallpapers that I am talking about. Also I apologise for scrolling on the main page, WordPress’ awful formatting has my hands tied. 🙁
You will find that some of them are tagged, I should explain this. Firstly Raven is an old screen name *giggles*, some of the wallpapers were volunteraly made for the Advanced Media Network, a site in which I use to post at quite a bit (the forum that is) and Nexus and Ravens Domain is something of a portfolio site with work from myself and my twin brother. Anyways, I think that the majority of these wallpapers are quite crude but if you like them then…yeah, let me know. Click the titles for a full view.
Advanced Media Network Wallpaper – 1024×768
Bowser Sprite – 1024×768
Day of Disaster – 1280×1024
Fierce Deity 2006 – 1600×1200

Gamecube Advanced – 1024×768

Kirby – 1280X1024
Lost in Blue – 1600×1200

Super Mario 64 DS – 1024×768

Playstation Portable – 1600×1200
Paper Mario #2 1024×768
Paper Mario Dragon – 1600×1200
Raven (Fire Emblem) – 1600×1200