Gamers are just Interested in the Games

August 14th, 2007

From an outsiders perspective it seems fairly obvious doesn’t it? That the key thing that us gamers care about is just the games. The point that I am making is a result of data from the following survey. 6,260 next gen console owners were involved in the survey, from ages 6-44. It shows that gamers do not have very much interest in the multimedia features of consoles but rather the games.

Here are some of the figures worth noting, if you are lazy and don’t want to click the link:

-DS owners were more likely to take their system online than PSP gamers
-50% of people knew that the PS3 had HD graphics
-30% of people knew that the Xbox360 had HD graphics
-40% of PS3 owners knew that is equipped with a Blu-ray player

This survey is further proof of the current consumer trend towards more accesible gaming. Combine these with the high sales of the Wii, DS, Singstar, Buzz and the gang and its not hard to see where gaming is heading.

I wanted to bring up this data because it got me thinking about an arguement that I had with someone last year. I argued that the following would happen. I’m just pleased to see that I was right. 🙂 I hope that you enjoy these facts as much as I have.

Back to Back: Proving Ground + Metroid Prime 3

August 12th, 2007

There have been a few news bytes on two games that I am much anticipating. First details and media have been released for the new Tony Hawk game for the DS, once again created by the excellent Vicarious Visions. Also we have started to see some of the pre-release hype for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Tony Hawk Proving Ground

I am a loyal follower of the Tony Hawk franchise, like most people I began with THPS2 for the PSone and held a steady interest in the series until the slim upgrades almost made me lose sight of the franchise. That was until the DS iterations of the series came along and rekindled my interest. I personally believe that these games have been a real under appreciated breath of fresh air for the series.

So far we have seen American Sk8land and Downhill Jam. Both excellent titles developed by Vicarious Visions; the developers for the also great GBA titles. These games packed a plethora of features such as online play, touch screen customization and voice input. These features combined with a solid soundtrack and unique visuals really pushed the console to its technical limits.

tony hawk proving ground ds

With TH Proving Ground they are once again testing their development wisdom and bringing this game to new and unseen levels. Here are some of the major differences with this iteration:

-no more cel shading, VV are aiming for a more realistic title
-new skatepark editor, your frinds can play in your park
-tweaks to the voice chatting
-new skate lounge area
-FMV of real skaters busting tricks
-much more on scren action/structures than prvious games

This is definetly one DS game for the ‘core’ audience. So if you haven’t played any of the DS Tony Hawk titles then go back and pick up the previous two or just hold tight for the upcoming release of Proving Ground.


Metroid Prime 3 Coruption

The Metroid Prime series so far hasn’t recieved the marketing and hype that it truely deserves. I’m not alone on this, IGN recently posted up an editorial on the matter. It really is concerning as my anticipation levels on this game aren’t as high as they probably shold be.

Thankfully Nintendo has release two awesome trailers for the game. Hopefully this is the start of a chain reaction of advertising/hyping. In saying that, the games coming out in just 3 weeks. Aren’t they a little behind?


Images that Defined Gaming – D’arci Stern

August 10th, 2007

D'arci Stern urban chaos

Images that Defined Gaming is new featured series showcasing the various images that changed the way we thought about gaming, the characters and franchises within it. To view more entries in this series click here.

D’arci Stern is the main character of the PSone, Dreamcast and PC title Urban Chaos. Urban Chaos wasn’t a very successful game commercially nor critically. Infact when you look at it that way the game was generally pretty useless. Although it did start a positive trend in the gaming industry.

You see the gaming industry has a few elements of the film industry embedded deep inside it. One of those being the strong focus on visually appealing women, no I’m not talking about non blocky women with not a jaggie in sight. I’m talking about sexy white chicks with big boobs like Lara Croft and the Dead or Alive girls.

D'arci Stern urban chao

Thankfully though there has been a small trend forming in the gaming industry over the years. Where developers ditch this cliche and instead use a normal heroine. Just to prevent the industry from becoming too shallow. This trend first developed with the character D’arci Stern from Urban Chaos. This chick was an African American, had platted hair and a not so perfect figure. Eliminating all of the stereotypes of the women of gaming.

Ironically this niche trend was created by the people that started the ‘perfect’ women trend; Edios Interactive(ie. Lara Croft publishers ;)). Good on them. This character design led the way for more successful “not so attractive” game heroines like Alex from the Half life games.