One Last Theory Before Metal Gear Solid 4 Hits

June 9th, 2008

I know that I vowed to put any Metal Gear theories aside before the release of MGS4 but in the past few days something clicked and so I want to share it.


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Heavy Metal Blues

June 1st, 2008

In a previous article where I was sharing my thoughts on a few gaming sites I mentioned that Kombo had a feature that I wanted to talk about later on. Well now it’s time to discuss it.

Probably since the start of this year I have bene working on piecing together a series of posts looking at the various series questions that Metal Gear Solid 4 should answer when it gets released on June 12th. I had been tirelessly doing my research on this for months investing tens of hours into the project while getting little writing done.


What I realized was that where the series currently stands there are just too many unknown factors for me to piece together a coherent articles. Also when it comes to clarification on certain issues such as the relationship between Ocelot and Solidus Snake at Shadows Moses descriptions are quite vague which opens a lot to interpretation.

old snake vs frogs

So in the end it just became way too hard and I didn’t want to gloss over and make unrealistic assumptions on various plot points.

Fortunately Nick Michetti over at Kombo has been writing a feature titled: Heavy Metal. This feature puts various questions and plot points under the microscope to make a bit of sense of it all. There are already 7 installments of this series and overall it is quite good. I have noticed a few minor errors but it’s nothing that I wouldn’t have made myself.

So if you are interested in such speculation then I recommend that you take a look at the feature I never could write myself:

Heavy Metal Features #1-7

Of course, if you too need your own refresher then hopefully the following videos could be of some assistance:

Metal Gear 2 Ending

Metal Gear Solid Ending

MGS2 – Who are the Patriots (#1-#8)

Metal Gear Solid 3 Ending

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops Ending

Decoding the Metal Gear Solid 4 Marketing Machine

May 31st, 2008

metal gear solid 4 marketing

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a very important game or the Sony and their stable of Playstation 3 games. Not only will MGS4 showcase the capabilities of two of Sony’s finest assets (Blue-Ray and the Cell Processor) but it should also be the killer app that this console needs. Because of the imminent release date and importance of this title Konami have stepped up their MGS4 marketing into overdrive.

Despite my enthusiasm for this game there are numerous cracks starting to show in Sony’s grand plan. Cracks that are giving plenty of eager fans, like myself a sore headache. I’m talking about the in game advertising, limited shipments and awful pre-order communication (within Australia). I did a lot of on field research into what is under the “A Little Bit of Communication Please” heading so please take a read.

In-game Product Placement

A few weeks ago Konami didn’t just announce they showcased some of the new in game product placement to be featured in MGS4. To summarize; Snake can use an iPod while on the mission, in game characters sport new Japanese mobile phones and Snake has his eye of some sort of energy drink.
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