It’s Okay to be Fanatical…

April 14th, 2008

phoenix wright fanatical

I’m not too sure of the direction of this post. You see I am in essence pushing an agenda and trying to use my experiences as the example in point. As mentioned before I have strong feelings about this whole fan culture that has been breed throughout our industry. To summarise my feelings I think that it is okay to be a fan, just not fanatical. When your fanaticism blurs fair minded perception then there is without a doubt a problem, one in which I always try to avoid.

It seems like in this instance though, the rug has been pulled from beneath my feet. Allow me elaborate;

One morning in the middle of last week, on the train to Uni, my brother, a friend and I were discussing games. My brother and I were reminiscing over what can be called the “old” LucasArts and their witty, intellectually humorous properties. A gap in the conversation opened up and I thought that I would use the floor to share some recent Metal Gear Solid 4 updates. Now between my game playing friends and I (and undoubtedly you readers too) it is no secret that I am literally breaking my balls over this game. That I am, in essence, a fan.

Perhaps it was a result of a work focused, sleep neglected night prior to the exchange but I was aggressively sharing my opinions on the Metal Gear series and with an unempathetic passion, pulling no punches. It was within my raging banter that my brother and friend began pulling my strings, when my brother slyfully labbelled me as ‘fanatical’.

Its quite a claim, isn’t it? So I pursued onwards and what followed was a series of verbal jousting matches between the three of us. I felt outraged and insulted by their very comments. I mean how dare these two non-believers, these two people whom have never played a Metal Gear title possibly understand how I felt and what this means to me?

It was then, as my brother and friend were indulging in their pot stiring that I stopped and asked the question; “Am I fanatical over MGS4?”.

metal gear rex metal gear solid 4

I pondered over this question considerably in the days that followed and as of writing I am still yet to draw my conclusion. I decided to brainstorm a list of habits that I regularly par take with relation to Metal Gear.

Straight away I felt a great sense of guilt. I thought back to spending tens of hours processing and managing the Metal Gear saga in my head. Carefully reading over Wikipedia pages for a hope of inspiration. Attempting to make logical ties within the franchises’ extensive story. I thought of how I regularly ensure that I watch the MGS4 trailers and other video that I have captured from the games at least once every 3 days. And how I often mimic the voices within such video segments. From here on out the list just unraveled before me.

Am I starkingly mad? I hope not and in my hope I have been searching for ties to justification to free myself of hypocrisy. Fortunately I have found it, unfortunately it is subjective.

Despite my high interest in this title, I don’t think that it is damaging. My love for this series is justified. I am a fan of this genre of game, of this genre of action (be it games or film). In difference to what my friends may think I believe that I have fairly realistic expectations for this game. I am more than aware that this game will have a few short comings, I know that the other games definitely did. My Twin Snakes bashing article proves this. I do think that the gameplay in MGS2 is not as refined as it should be and even though MGS3 reinvents this it is still dexteritally painful. I know that MGS4, according to various sources should streamline and clear away these issues but the game will still not be perfect.

So, onto subjectivity, do you readers think that I am fanatical over this game or just another interested fan. In anycase being this interested in a game is healthy in my mind. If we just approach all games with a cynical snark then what is the point? Excitement is natural, welcomed and healthy for us. Its what makes this whole charade so interesting. So am I crazy and what about you? What games are you totally bonkers over?

The Best Upcoming Fan-Service Games of 2008

January 31st, 2008

death spank header

Many gamers would agree that 2007 was a landmark year for video games largely due to a momentous barrage of quality software releases throughout the second half of the year. But this momentous line up of games would have been nothing without a set of strong ‘fan service’ games.

‘Fan service’ games are games designed with the intention of one thing; to feed the loyal fan base of a particular franchise or brand. Now sure, 2007 had some great games of this nature such as Halo 3, Contra 4 and Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles but 2008 looks to blow the lid of the all previous expectations of fan service games. So let me present to you ten of the best, hitting your favourite systems in 2008:

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Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix

Capcom knows their fans and understands exactly how to please them which is why this game is arguably the most important game on this list. SSF2THDR HD Remix is as it sounds a reworked, high definition version of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Don’t be fooled by previous fake HD games though HD Remix isn’t an upscaled version of the original game rather all of the sprites are being redone by the legendary Udon Comics.

street fighter hd remix

The high definition aspect is only one part of the deal though HD Remix’s also contains a slew of new content and modes several of which have been included by fan requests. I’m talking wide screen support, a remixed soundtrack and a training mode. But all of these pale in comparison to the online features that Capcom is planning to dish out.

Voice chat, spectator matches and indepth statistics are a few of the key features of this new oline mode. An example used by Capcom’s Christian Svensson on the game’s online statistics is that you will be able to find the best Cammy player in Canada or the person who has thrown the most projectiles in the world. So its not hard to see why Capcom are leading the way for fan service games of 08.

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Nintendo fans are arguably the most loyal and dedicated bunch of gamers around so when Nintendo announces a new installment of its franchise heavy fighting game message boards everywhere light up and fans clench their Wii-motes with new found pride.

smash bros brawl pit
The inclusion of Kid Icarus’ Pit pleased fans of the NES classic

Knowing this, Nintendo has added to the almost out of control anticipation by dishing out the fanboy love in droves. Cameo characters such as Solid Snake and Sonic now join the extended character roster, a new level editor is included and content is filled to the brim. But much like Street Fighter the most anticipated new feature for the new Smash Bros is online play. Every since the broadband (and dial up) adapters were released along side Phantasy Star Online on the Gamecube Nintendo has been dodging the prospect of true online play. So Super Smash Bros isn’t just an important game for the fanboys, its also a time for the industry to see if Nintendo will finally step up to the plate and deliver on a true online experience.

Sega Superstars Tennis

Much in the vein of Mario Tennis, Sega have decided to develop a tennis game set around the expansive Sega universe. With a release date set for early March, Sega have already shared plenty of interesting details including a list of playable characters. The list of characters is what particularly has sparked a sudden stronger interest among fans as characters include Alex Kidd, Beat (Jet Grind Radio), Ulala (Space Channel 5), Amigo, NiGHTS as well as your typical set of Sonic characters.

sega tennis

This stage is from Jet Grind Radio

Sega Superstars Tennis is set to come out on all major consoles excluding the PSP. Each game will feature its own console specific strengths. For example; the Wii version will take advantage of the motion controls while the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions will have online play.

DP’s Random Note: Notice how the first three games all have the word ‘Super’ in the title?
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