Analyzing the Problematic Hysteria Regarding MGS4

June 19th, 2008

Yes, I am aware of how my Metal Gear ramblings are probably off the charts by now. Cut me some slack though, I mean how often am I ever at the fore front of gaming conversation? So let me bathe in the sun for a little while longer.

In order to find my footing to write the last piece, I read a number of recent reviews of Metal Gear Solid 4. What I found to be quite surprising is that there appears to be a bit of a backlash regarding the mixed opinions of this title. Of course, this is another great example of the lack of acceptance and maturity among a proportion of the enthusiast crowd. I’m not particularly interested in what they have to say myself instead I feel that the pillars supporting this debarkle are much more interesting (and highly relevant to another issue that I wish to poke at later on).

Rather than summarizing the situation and picking out the tasty bits I want to work backwards this time so that I can highlight the cause of the problem. This way I can concentrate my efforts on a resolution. Read the rest of this entry »

Got the Game, Missing the Console…

June 11th, 2008

Today is June 11th and I was fortunate enough to procure a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4 before the June 12th Worldwide release (for the record that is 1.5 days infront of you Americans [/gloat]).

To conclude my previous article highlighting the terrible communication that Australia has seen regarding release bundles. I managed to get a copy of the Bonus DVD (Special Edition) and I think that it is likely that this version will be distributed at most places, there is also a console bundle as suspected, it costs $AUD749 and contains the console and game. Unfortunately only a standard Six Axis controller is included and not a Dual Shock 3. I will get onto the PS3 grumbling later.

In anycase, I bought my game and unfortunately the store had no Playstation 3 consoles in stock. So I just went to the store next door and asked them, recieiving the same response. Turns out there is a severe Playstation 3 shortage in my state and quite likely the rest of Australia. “Oh noez!” I cry on finding that 5 or 6 retailers later they are all fresh out. So I am sitting here writing this article at home, with the game in hand and not a console to play it on.

Fear not, most of these retailers are receiving/already have a fresh batch of Playstation 3s ready to sell….but guess what? They are all bundled with MGS4! If I want a standard PS3 then chances are I will have to wait for the next predicted shipment in a few weeks, now this is just pathetic isn’t it?

Whats a guy to do? My plan for tommorow is to ring up one store out of town (well basically in town) which supposively has 1 console left ( I didn’t get the time to further investigate today) to see if my luck will bend. If not, I will have to buy the bundle like everyone else and sell the extra copy. Now, remind me, what is it that they say about early birds?

metal gear solid 4 raiden vamp

You’ll need to perform these kinds of acrobatics to pick up a PS3 in South Australia

I’m not too fussed though as I woud have only managed a few hours of game in tonight in anycase. It just feels good knowing that I have 1up’d you Americans. It sounds sad, doesn’t it? But I feel imensely proud that for once I haven’t been completely left in the dark (well actually I have…but don’t you spoil my fun!).

Since I should be able to play the game tommorow, I intend to spend the following couple of days playing through MGS4 throughly from start to finish. Even though I could rush my way through this game to find the answers to my questions I refuse to. I want to take this game bite by bite, I want to make this my stealthiest play through yet. If you will be joining me in playing this game then I advise that you do the same. Be sure to answer the new site poll as well (zing!).

What am I trying to say with this ludacris story and fanboy ramblings? Well…this all means that I will be taking a short blogging (and life) vacation fo the next few days. So in the meantime I have collated this list of Metal Gear related articles that I recommend you read. Expect me back in maybe 4/5 days with a full write up with (hopefully spoiler-less) impressions and critique. I think that I’ll have a mouthful to say for this one.

One Last Theory Before Metal Gear Solid 4 Hits
Heavy Metal Blues
Decoding the Metal Gear Solid 4 Marketing Machine
Why You Should Buy the Original Metal Gear Solid over Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid 4 Pushing 50GB, What is Really Going On?
Awesome Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) Clock Widget
Is There Any Truth in MGS4 Coming to the Xbox 360?
MGS4 TGS Trailer Analysis

A Metal Gear primer
This I believe…except when I don’t.

The Most Stunning Metal Gear Solid Artwork

Classic PlayStation Review: Metal Gear Solid

DP’s Favourite Video Game Music

June 4th, 2008

cranky kong music

So you’ve read my reasons why I enjoy listening to video game music and still aren’t convinced that video game music is awesome? Looks like I’m going to have to post up some music samples of particular video game music which I enjoy. I know that this is cliché among us gaming bloggers but I thought that I’d jump on the bandwagon and give it a go. As usual I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and other great game music below.

The Moon – Ducktales (NES and Gameboy)

I don’t think that any song represents the 8bit era quite like this one. I can’t quite put my finger on it but somehow this music captures nostalgia down to a tee, even to people who never played either of the DuckTales games. Capcom owned the rights to Disney games in the 8 and early 16bit eras which paved the way for a solid (infact very good) line up of licensed material sporting the comical cast of Disney characters.

The Best is Yet to Come – Metal Gear Solid

There are only a few songs that I can honestly say tug at my heart strings (some of them I have listed here) and The Best is Yet to Come is one of those songs. Sung completely in Irish the song evokes a strong sense of loss and sorrow which is extremely overpowering and representative of the original Metal Gear Solid. The fact that I cannot understand the lyrics adds further reason as to why this song is a natural beauty. This song reminds me a little of Massive Attack’s Unfinished Sympathy (listen here).

Main Theme – Metal Gear Solid 2

With my anticipation for Metal Gear Solid 4 at fever pitch, this song helps ease my waiting pains. When comparing this to the original MGS Main Theme this is almost laughably better (but the original has its own, PSone campy qualities). MGS2’s Main Theme is again highly representative of this game due to the traces of digital sounds and instrumental arrangement. The sample that I have selected represents a certain pride that I have for the game and captures the heart and soul of this deep series.

The Legend of the Hero – The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

I vividly remember this song at the start of The Wind Waker and if you love this game dearly as well then I think you’ll feel the same way. This track made you feel as though Wind Waker was going to be the game which would sequalize Orcarina of Time in terms of coherent story (that is the described story on the scrolls would actually be the story of the Wind Waker). Unfortunately The Wind Waker actually created a gapping hole in the series timeline but in anycase this music reaches into the core of the Zelda experience. The music itself provides background to the main themes surrounding the Zelda franchise; courageous, youthful adventuring on an encompassing scale all which The Wind Waker made good use of.

Title Black – Final Fantasy Tactics

Honestly I could choose any one of the 71 tracks on this soundtrack and it would still be worth listening to. Title Black is the perfect song to symbolize one of gaming’s most widely acclaimed soundtracks. Stop listening and just buy this soundtrack because it is 100% worth your cash especially to those who played and enjoyed the original.

Bramble Song – Donkey Kong Country 2

I can’t find an actual rip of this song so I am just going to post up an accurate enough version taken from VG Music. Donkey Kong Country 2 was unfortunately my least favourite game in the series and despite my deep affection for this series I only played the DKC2 this year (I had finished DKC and DKC3 back in the day, never had DKC2 though). Upon hearing this music my jaw hit the floor. This music is just so compelling and deep for a song of the SNES era. There is also a track from DKC3 that I like which is the remix of the main theme in the mountain levels. I’ll post it up if I can find it again.