Going on A Break

November 17th, 2008

It pains me to write this post, as I’ve be tying to keep the blogging boat afloat for a while but -as life would have it- I’m out of steam. I haven’t had the time to play barely anything in the past few weeks resulting in a complete empty patch of ideas. Like a lot of things over here in China, this is most baffling since I always have so much to write about.

Along with this, Chinese culture is chaffing my brain and the University has booted me out without a real explanation. Well it’s not that bad, the administration just has no idea what they are doing and as such I am left hanging in the lurch until they get their act together. Living here makes it harder to keep this place up to date, so I just need a little time, might be a few days, a week, just to get back up to scratch. Seeya in a little while.

Here is my replacement for the time being, wow, so metaphoric:

Back in the Chair

September 26th, 2008

That’s right after two failed attempts, the third is a charm! I’m back online and ready to plug away at some more articles for your pleasure. I’m fortunate in that I’ve managed to get in at the right time too, being the Friday before the national festival which gives me a few days off.

I should be back in the swing of things soon enough. Life over here is pretty relentless; be it my classes, catching the overcrowded subway or just trying trying to do the most basic of tasks in a foreign language. The intensive study is banging on tedium, it’s like a slow death – not too enjoyable. So I will try to channel as much creative energy as I can salvage into the blog over the the next few months.

It’s the Way It’s Always Been….And the Way it Will Remain

September 16th, 2008

Hey Guys, I’m just posting a quick heads up to let all of you beautiful people know that I am currently in the process of moving house over here in Shanghai. I’ve been caught in a jam for the past three weeks and can’t wait to move out of where I am now.

Where I will move to is closer to my campus and the Shanghai CBD, it’s also nearby some of my friend’s friends who have already befriended me into their group (they really are such lovely people). With this I will be applying for wireless internet so I’m not sure how long it’ll be between posts. I will be living with the landlord -sorry, landlady’s – son, the landlady is pretty eccentric but assured me that she will apply for it as soon as I give the word. Whatever the case, I’m sure that things will be hasty in sorting themselves out. If not, know that I will return to my chair as soon as possible.

Oh and yes, I do have some material written up about games over here in China. I’ve had it finished for about 2 weeks now but haven’t managed to post it yet. So expect that soon. All the best, I’ll be back shortly.