Prince of Persia Trilogy: Purity, Transgressions and Dichotomy

August 29th, 2009


I’ve finally completed my verbose ramblings on the Prince of Persia Trilogy, concluding with my final review of The Two Thrones which is now up at Video Games Blogger. Over the past few months I’ve written quite a lot on these three games, particularly in the way of gameplay structuring and narrative, yet each review has been self-contained – now I’d like to remove those barriers.

To summarize my thoughts; The Sands of Time was an incredible offering, severing ties with player expectations and delivering an unprecedented form of narrative whilst revitalizing the platforming genre. Warrior Within was bigger, meaner and more hardcore in terms of challenge, but the emo-core pretense left a fowl taste in my mouth. The Two Thrones took all the previous content and integrated it together to form a well mixed conclusion, best of both worlds, but the purity of the series was dead on arrival, unfortunately.

Let’s Hate on Warrior Within Some More

Warrior Within subverted the modest and implicit nature which made Sands of Time so refreshing, overloading the game with overt fratboy appeal. Even after just 5 minutes of Warrior Within it’s resoundingly clear that Ubisoft had sold out pretty bad. The Two Thrones could have redeemed Warrior Within but instead highlights that Ubisoft had in fact they never actually “got it” in the first place, as evidenced by the failure to understand and — in their choosing — adapt the qualities of Sands of Time to The Two Thrones. I elaborate on these issues in the first half of my Two Thrones review and I do so because their mishandling of the series denotes a huge mark of shame, at least when it comes to maintaining the spirit of the Prince of Persia series.

Also see: GT Prince Of Persia Retrospective

Prince of Persia and PoP: The Sands of Time drew out the essential qualities of this Middle Eastern “Arabian Nights” theme which has for a long time been present through various forms of media and texts. Such tales represent the rare instances when Middle Eastern culture is to an extent seen in a positive light by the western world*. There is therefore an untouchable purity in the theme both culturally and thematically which both these games respected and maintained.

I believe that Sands of Time epitomized the thematic ethos and as with the original game did so because of the influence of Jordan Mechner. Warrior Within obviously whizzed all over the sentiments and The Two Thrones, at least on a surface levels, attempts to pick up the pieces. The latter can be justified by the acknowledgement of narrative devices from the Sands of Time, the return to the location and Moroccan presence as created by the music, landscape and character designs. These are all positive steps in the right direction, again albeit on surface level.

Scratch away the paint a little and the shonky implementation is unveiled. I highlight this in the review. Simply put; the mimicry falls apart when it’s made irrelevant by the wrong context and the narrative techniques used in Sands of Time are irrelevant in The Two Thrones, making it all feel extremely superficial. Interject this with Kaileena from Warrior Within (who can in no way escape her identity from WW as a complete whore), the baseless maturation of the Prince and the continual acts of violence, and it all fails to maintain its own dignity. The Two Thrones should have properly realized this, rather is seems that Ubisoft’s management only saw the contempt that fans held for Warrior Within and hence decided to slice the next game in the middle. Satisfying a wider audience, gaining a little cred back from the enthusiasts and ultimately keeping everyone happy was probably the best means at keeping the Prince of Persia money train alive. Sure it’s not a complete and utter sellout like Warrior Within, but even then the purity is still tarnished by what appears to be corporate interest. The Two Thrones is a pretender through and through.

But the Platforming!

But still the platforming is good…and here’s where we reach an amusing point of interest. Sure the integrity of the series had gone to shit, but structurally the two sequels took the delectable platforming chunk of Sands of Time and allowed it to flourish into something even more beautiful. Combat aside, Warrior Within was a mammoth challenge map for those who had cut their teeth on the platforming in Sands of Time. Admittedly, for the hardened gamer, the platforming apex in Sands of Time wasn’t quite the climax we were hoping for – figuratively and literally. Warrior Within with it’s rough platforming, blood and cleavage was the answer, the itch for our scratch; a true guilty pleasure. Just leave your dignity at the door.


The Two Thrones toned down the challenge considerably. The noticeable absence of sharp rotating objects and tough endurance runs lowered the brutality while the new stealth elements provided the player with choice and self expression. The Two Thrones was definitely a hybrid and if you’d tackled the prior two games, going for one more go seemed all the more worthwhile, just to see the results.

It’s hard to deny the later two games a place in the series considering their contributions to the esteemed platforming elements of the franchise. Elements that would later influence Assassin’s Creed and hence inspire a multitude of similar free roaming platform games.

The Two Thrones emphasized dichotomy, a dichotomy very much fleshed out by the games themselves which led up to its existence. Sands of Time being the representative height of this industry and Warrior Within being the representative low. In which case The Two Thrones dichotomy extends beyond what’s contained within the a single title, a metaphor for the trilogy itself.

* I’m not denying that most western adaptions of such fables haven’t been faithful, because frankly they’re hardly faithful or even show that much respect to the culture. My point is that they actually display the culture and do so in a mostly positive light which itself is very important.

Additional Readings

‘Prince of Persia’ Movie Poster Inspired By ‘Warrior Within’ – MTV Multiplayer

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Developer Diaries

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Art Direction and Additional Interviews

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Documentary and Additional Trailers

Trash Panic Follow Up

August 22nd, 2009

Upon editing my last article on Trash Panic I realized there there were a few points which I forgot to mention or emphasize as heavily as I probably should’ve;

The unpredictability of the fire and decomposition ball are probably the most significant issues contributing to the slippery nature of the title. Trash Panic clamps down on difficulty early on, yet a huge deciding factor of success is luck, therefore rendering much play time as simply testing the odds. The fire/decomposition is mostly unpredictable, sometimes completely random It’s a little worrying and cuts off access to a good chunk of content to the player.

This oversight is rather far-flung too. The first mission in the ‘Mission Mode’ requires you to hit 118 logs against one of the large bells. Problem is the logs don’t break easily, but even if they did a tall pile up of logs ensues, smothering the surface area of the bell, ie there is no room to smash logs against it! Fire torches are there to alleviate the problem, yet fire for some reason or another hardly damages the logs, let alone remove them. Furthermore, the means to gain torches falls into the same trap too. To gain a torch you must drop the Mottainai item into the bin and allow the Mottainai to collect it. Problem is they can’t reach because of the amounting logs. I only managed 18 dongs of the bell! It’s beyond me how these issues of difficulty were never considered.

I also never properly explained why I felt to game to be so compulsive, despite it’s unfathomable difficulty. The unitless nature of the game feels very freeform, it’s fun to throw things at each other and have the destruction trickle between the cracks of rubbish, or just turn your stockpile into a blazing inferno. I guess the compulsion comes from the way the slipperiness persuades you into believing the odds will be better next time, this is of course spurred on by the difficulty. So, when you put these pieces together, Trash Panic is fun because the foundations elicit a heavily experimental type of playfulness (similar to that of many physics sims) yet this experimentation is turned into a game and then challenged heavily. So retrying isn’t so bad as you’re just mucking about anyways.

Hmmm…I’m not sure whether this post has served it’s purpose, but that’s more or less the skinny of what I missed.

Trash Panic: Causing Much Mayhem, Dropping Drama!!

August 21st, 2009


I tighten some of my main ideas in a follow-up here.

I detest Twitter as an alternative to blogging. Well at least my preferred shade of blogging. 140 characters can in no way replace a strong editorial, critique or exposé, yet it works wonders for live-blogging and random link sharing. Previously, web enthusiasts discovered media through social bookmarking (digg is perhaps the prime example here) but now such articles are emitted socially as part of this wider collection of utterances, cobbled together in profiles and placed under this service called Twitter.

Despite my objections to the service in some regards, Twitter gets to the point and hence allowed me to easily share my summative conclusions about the PSN title Trash Panic before I’d even come to write this article. Here’s what I tweeted:

The problem with Trash Panic’s single player is that it demands precision in an inherently precision-lacking game
10:13 PM Aug 16th from web

Still, it’s ultra compulsive just to play for kicks.
10:13 PM Aug 16th from web

Here’s the elaboration:

Trash Panic is a neat little Playstation Network title which you can acquire for under $9. It’s one of those PSN titles which is truly a unique gem. Unlike the other titles which people lump into this esteemed category of PSN rarities (ie. Pixeljunk Eden and Flower) Trash Panic hasn’t been blessed with the same enthusiast-driven attention. Still Trash Panic retains a lustrous individuality and charm. That is, it’s a truer fit of the term than the other titles often exhibited.

Perhaps the most fascinating part of Trash Panic is the way it wraps a very real issue into the fabric of the gameplay. In a nutshell, Trash Panic is an eco-friendly waste management puzzler, sharing much commonality with Tetris. As the video below (captured using the in-game tools) depicts, a conveyor belt delivers a stream of junk which must be placed in the blue rubbish bin. Your goal is to squeeze as much junk into the trash can until the conveyor belt runs X distance. Overflow of three unbroken items concludes the game and you’ll have to start the round over, reaching the end of the line sends you through to the next level. Space can be opened up in several ways which leads into the central theme of environmental management.

Destroying objects in an environmentally-friendly manner such as breaking them against one another or using a decomposition ball with water to degrade items will yield a higher eco rating. Preserving items for the Mottainai characters (those bizarre black creatures wandering around the set) also adds to the eco rating. I guess they’re an endangered species or something. On the other hand though, fire, mixed with explosives or a little oil, is easily the most effective method of rubbish removal, burning off piles of waste with relative ease. Of course, such disregard to the environment will only increase your ego points. Pass or fail a stage, the level concludes by tallying the two scores against each other to create a final alphabetic rank, with the skew obviously favouring environmentally-friendly action.

Depending on the skill level chosen, a boss item may appear near the end of each stage, demanding the player break the item within a 10 second time limit. These often appear at the worst of times with only a couple of useful resources on the conveyor belt available making the process extremely superficial. Furthermore, beyond providing you with a lack of heavy objects, the game always seems to throw the worst items at you in these predicaments. Items such as bouncy balls which easily fly out of the can are frustrating to deal with when you’re simply trying to beat the boss and hence the stage. The boss feature is a real kerfuffle.

Getting to the point of my Twitter comments, Trash Panic by design is intrinsically variable. That is each object does not represent a fixed number of units (as in say Tetris) and properties of weight, physics, flammability and infectionability are themselves often sporadic in nature. This makes Trash Panic unpredictable and a real riot to play. The levels are more or less constant with the same items falling in the predictably same order, yet how the events unfold per round is always unique. As I discussed in the Wolfenstein post, games often require an inconstant variable (or two) to act as diversifiers to the predictability of the core design. Trash Panic is full of them which acts as both a quality and detriment.

As said in the tweet, the problem that arises is that as progression mounts, Trash Panic demands a level of precision which is difficult to grasp. The game effectively gives you woolen gloves and then asks you to shift a pile of slippery stones. (Sorry, that’s the best analogy I could come up with.) Beyond the first 2 stages, balancing the amount of water/oil in your can with the distribution of matches and decomposition balls is crucial for winning. If a decomposition ball is left for too long or absorbs oil then it disappears, squashing the opportunity to remove that critical build up of waste. (It should be noted that oil rises to the surface of any water in the can, hence you don’t want to break any oil drums open before receiving a decomposition ball etc.) But then again fire must also been managed as well. Closing the lid of the bin traps in heat, increasing the temperature, yet lowering the amount of oxygen required to fuel the fire (the indicators are to the left of the screen). Juggling these variables can at times be a little daunting to manage. With both cases, it’s very easy to accidentally make a wrong move and hence miss out on the opportunity to remove waste, increasing your burgeoning stockpile of rubbish. Further, the success of either method is mostly out of the player’s hands, once the fire or decomposition begin their work it’s more or less a random luck as ot how much waste is removed, going back to the woolen gloves analogy.

Since the distribution of objects (from my understanding) appears to be the similar – if not the same – each round, this creates a linear set of expectations as to when you use which device to clear waste. For example, a level may begin with toilets and jugs full of water, promptly followed by a decomposition ball; implying that you build up water and then use the ball to clear the wastage. Fair enough. From level 4 onwards, the set of expectations begins to overlap as oil drums and matches are interjected between water and absorb balls. This forces the player to untangle the distribution (relying heavily on the reserved item system, ala Tetris DS) and piece it together again as best they see fit. As I said at the start of the year regarding Zuma; the difficulty of certain games can rise enough to plateau a new series of mechanics and play styles. Those mechanics and the resulting play styles are the essence of the game. In Trash Panic, it’s that aforementioned construction of events which certifies this as a puzzle game, more so than the surface level likeness to Tetris.


This pressure placed on the player primarily makes itself distinct on the normal “Main Dish” difficulty. Although addicted to the point of thumb blisters, level four of Main Dish is about as much as I could muster – and I tried pretty damn hard! You see, the criticisms mentioned wouldn’t be a problem if the game didn’t set the difficulty benchmark so high, preemptively forcing players to utilize such hard-ball playing tactics. This makes playing Trash Panic in a casual, non-completist manner the most enjoyable approach. The difficulty bar is frankly raised too high, too early, so jamming around on the easier settings, or even just continuously retrying stages is itself rather fun. Trying to force actual progress isn’t. It’s this major point of contention that I feel has relegated Trash Panic to the second tier of PSN elites, as the steep difficulty seems to be a deterrence for many.

This implication digs into the heart of Trash Panic. The premise of the game is about rubbish disposal and the package as a whole embodies the respective connotations. Trash Panic is in love with the mismatch and the gaudy. The music is a vigorous clash of dance and classical interluded with irresistible lines of dialogue and an overall taste for the Japanese. (Trash Panic was made by Japanese indie developers by the way). The graphics are quirky and bizarre, epitomized by the zany Mottainai creatures. The mechanics are sweet and sour with a bitter after taste. Progression begins lightly, giving you enough head space to be amused by the charm. It then uncomfortably ascends, turning previously optional strategies and mechanics into the basic requirements of play. Then it all becomes too much and a feeling of betrayal strike once you realize how demanding yet slippery the game is.

It’s a fruity concoction, and there’s a genuine creative spark streaming throughout the game which should justify the >$10 purchase. It’s all the minor sparkles, such as the clever objects, the quirky humour, the ability to shake the can with the six-axis or the way the bin (and trash) increase in size between levels — while the screen proportion remains the same — with the final level having you smashing bridges and islands against each other. On top of this the YouTube support is neat and there are some nice syncs to online scoreboards too. Games such as Trash Panic represent the area of games I’d like to further explore: games that simply detach themselves from conventions.

Additional Readings

Sound Current: ‘Mega-Alpha’s Indispensable Soundtrack to Trash Panic’