Progress Report: A Name and a Contents Page!
November 4th, 2012
Given the book’s constant delays—remember when it was meant to be finished last Christmas?—I’ve been feeling reluctant to post any updates. Alas, it’s time for me to swallow my shame.
After the last edit in July, I spent the following two and a half months doing what I think is the third or fourth edit. I’m not exactly sure, I lost count a few months ago. What I can say with certainty though is that I’m finally satisfied with the copy. I just need to give it a final proof-read and make a few small adjustments to punctuation and it’ll be ready for print.
At the moment, I’m more than a third of the way through the reference images and video. I expect that to last another 2 weeks or so. After which I will begin putting the images, links and text together into its final form. I’m hopeful of hearing a response back from a publisher in the next month or so. If I don’t get picked up, I’ll probably just go ahead with self-publishing. Yes, I will be offering a print version and have been optimising the images and reference material to suit the format. I’m not going to take a stab at a release date this time. Just know that I’ve been spending a ridiculous amount of time on it and it should be done in due time.
Today I want to share 2 things with you. The name of the book and the contents page. The book will be called Rethinking Games Criticism: An Analysis of Wario Land 4. It is as much game design text book as it is a piece on Wario Land 4 and a critique of current serious games writing. As for the contents page, please find it below:
Rethinking Games Criticism: An Analysis of Wario Land 4
What is Wario Land 4?
How to Read This Book
Online Reference
A Few Words on Style
Need To Know
Game Elements
Transformations and Navigation
Level Elements
Essential Elements
Regular Elements
Exclusive Elements
Coins, Crystals, Diamonds and Treasures
Game Structure
Level, Hub and System Structure
User Interface
Digging Deeper
Mechanics Analysis
Why Jump, Attack and Traversal?
Mechanics, Function and Minimum Difference
The Dominant Mechanics
Attack and Dash Attack Comparison
Dash Attack – Accessibility Diminishing Power
Attack – Power Flavouring Play
Fake Momentum and Step Acceleration
Controller Input~Mechanical Output
Nuance and the Hierarchy of Power
Game Dynamics
Game Dynamics Introduction
Enemies and Interplay
Interplay Analysis
Enemies as Static Game Elements
Psychology and Engagement
Principles of Engagement
Selectable and Scalable Difficulty
Health and Hearts Introduction
Rewards, Punishment and Psychology
Premise and Interaction Set in Context
Game Ideas
Examples of Counterpoint
Room Suspension
Conveying Information Through Form
The 2D Perspective and The Illusion of Depth
Bounding Boxes, Camera, ACTION!
Music Observations
Design Philosophies
Game as Teacher
The Game Design Style Guide
Additional Essays
Through the Lens of Interaction + Association + Cognition and Application
Designing for Freedom Within Linearity
Level Analysis
Essays on Levels
Folded Level Design
Rooms, Doors and Considerations
Skills and Challenge Types
Transformations and the Level Design Tool Box
Restricted-to-Freer Practice
Level Analysis Introduction
Entry Passage: Hall of Hieroglyphs
Emerald Passage: Palm Tree Paradise
Emerald Passage: Wildflower Fields
Emerald Passage: Mystic Lake
Emerald Passage: Monsoon Jungle
Ruby Passage: The Curious Factory
Ruby Passage: The Toxic Landfill
Ruby Passage: 40 Below Fridge
Ruby Passage: Pinball Zone
Topaz Passage: Toy Block Tower
Topaz Passage: The Big Board
Topaz Passage: Doodle Woods
Topaz Passage: Domino Row
Sapphire Passage: Crescent Moon Village
Sapphire Passage: Arabian Night
Sapphire Passage: Fiery Cavern
Sapphire Passage: Hotel Horror
Golden Passage
Purple Pipe Puzzle Rooms
Passage Themes
Topical Essays
Wario Land – An Evolutionary History
From Odd to Off-Kilter – The Transition into WarioWare
From 8 to 16 bits in a Year and a Half – Wario Land 3 to 4
The Cutting Room Floor – Beta Vs. Final Game
Wario – A Personality Profile
Mario and Wario – A Character Comparison
Loose Ends