It’s the Way It’s Always Been….And the Way it Will Remain

September 16th, 2008

Hey Guys, I’m just posting a quick heads up to let all of you beautiful people know that I am currently in the process of moving house over here in Shanghai. I’ve been caught in a jam for the past three weeks and can’t wait to move out of where I am now.

Where I will move to is closer to my campus and the Shanghai CBD, it’s also nearby some of my friend’s friends who have already befriended me into their group (they really are such lovely people). With this I will be applying for wireless internet so I’m not sure how long it’ll be between posts. I will be living with the landlord -sorry, landlady’s – son, the landlady is pretty eccentric but assured me that she will apply for it as soon as I give the word. Whatever the case, I’m sure that things will be hasty in sorting themselves out. If not, know that I will return to my chair as soon as possible.

Oh and yes, I do have some material written up about games over here in China. I’ve had it finished for about 2 weeks now but haven’t managed to post it yet. So expect that soon. All the best, I’ll be back shortly.

I Was Born in a Cross-Fire Hurricane

September 14th, 2008

Those are the very words that drive fear into every man’s heart unfortunate enough to encounter the wraith of ‘Jumping Jack Flash’.

I usually try and steer clear of bold claims regarding my skills at playing video games. I play for fun and quite often challenge so there is really no need for it. Sometimes though, we all need to prove our worth and laud in our own greatness. Particularly for me – running this blog, it is my job to instill faith into you readers, to give you the confidence in my place as a writer and knowledgeable commentator (not that I am either of the two). In this case, illusion is an easy solution but, no not this time.

I snapped this picture of my high score of Elite Beat Agent’s final song: Jumping Jack Flash on the hardest difficulty with the Elite Beat Divas filling in for the much loved agents. I could return to the game and get a perfect run quite easily as the two mistakes made were caused due to improvising the final part of the song but no, I can’t, this game is too much. I filmed this with the family digital camera but unfortunately it only saves in .mov and Windows XP video editing software doesn’t like .mov.

elite beat divas

What do you say now? Credible? ^_^

Describing fl0w

September 12th, 2008

fl0w pc psn

“At least that’s how I interpret it”

My brother concluded when attempting to explain to me how to play fl0w. fl0w (the critically acclaimed indie-game-cum-Playstation-Network-success) is largely about that – interpretation. You play the life of a small vector floating around in pond of vibrant colour. It’s not exactly clear from the outset what you do next or even how you play – the game makes no attempt of explaining them to you – instead you slowly discover this by yourself through observation and experience. Much like the organism in the water really, you are helpless. It doesn’t know what to do and neither do you. All it is is just a pile of shapes in a fill of colour, therefore it’s up to you to find realize the game’s mechanics for the organism.

After rampid key pressing, I realized that the mouse is used to move your creature through the water. You click to send him in the direction of the mouse and hold to speed up. At times the momentum becomes too great for the life-form and it catches up to your cursor,. In which case it circles around chasing the tail of your mouse, seemingly natural for a confused organism like the one represented on screen.

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