Video Game Retailers and Game Classification Attitudes

March 24th, 2008

xbo 360 kidRecently I have been thinking about video game classification in relation to the general attitudes of game retailers. You see this all came about a few weeks ago when I saw the pictured image in a Dick Smiths catalogue (Dick Smiths = Australian electronics retailer). This image is of a child holding up an Xbox 360 and two mature rated games; Gears of War and Halo 3.

Obviously there is a problem here in that the kid is promoting two MA5+ games and in Australia selling MA15+ games to minors is an offense yet Dick Smiths clearly aren’t worried about that. This is pretty minor oversight, I know but I believe that it symbolizes the general attitude that retailers have towards this issue.

Stepping back from Dick Smiths for a while I want to use another example. For my last job I was working at one of Australia’s most successful retailers; Myer. Through my 6 months of work for the company (in the electrical department) nothing was ever brought up o the issue of video game classification. I was never instructed of who I could and couldn’t sell a game to instead it was all left down to assumptions and personal opinion. The same goes for my job before that at Harris Scarfes in which we sold a few cheap DVD compilations.

All video game retailers clearly believe in the classification system as their games display the classifications and in many cases classification information is visible in store, online and in catalogues. Where the problem lies is with the staff and staff training, over the years I have seen and in fact probably have myself been involved in the selling of mature rated games to minors. In every case the staff sell the game without fuss and the issue of classification is ever raised. From my point of view this is all a problem of attitude.

So Why Do I Care?

When I was a kid I watched R18+ movies and played imported R18+ games and I think that I turned out okay. So why do I care? Simple; reputation. As I previously posted it is important for the media and wider community to look favourably at video games so that we can reach the end goal of being regarded as equals with film and literature.

Every time the media screen an (ill-informed) segment related to video game violence it is our industry which is looked down upon. It is another pitfall in the way. The only thing that we can do as an industry is abide by the laws and from there it is up to the consumer.

Unfortunately I don’t see businesses changing, where there is profit to be made why worry about selling a child one of these games?

Our Responsibilities as Gamers to Promote a Positive Image of our Culture

March 21st, 2008

video game player responsibilities crowd

Nintendo, in previous Gamecube advertisements used the slogan: ‘You are what you play, (so) who are you?’.

We don’t always realize it but as ‘core gamers’ video games have become part of our identity. The threat of anything that could challenge what we are tied to, what we love, creates its own series fan based arrogance. Look at the typecasting language of ‘n00b’, ‘133t’ and ‘hardcore gamer’. Look at the backlash towards the casual gaming phenomena. Even worse read a community forum and see what happens when someone is baited into verbal aggression. Many of us call it fanboyism, for its wider scope I prefer using the term ‘bias’. It is how we deal with this that reflects our industry.

We might not realize it but as gamers we are representatives of our medium, for outsiders looking in we are, like the slogan says; what we play. As gamers we define our medium, we create the culture and ultimately we affect how others perceive our medium. As someone whom has always had a deep passion for this medium I feel as though it is our job as gamers to uphold certain responsibilities so that we allow our medium to expanded out to the masses.

I want to share some ideals that I personally uphold when presenting our medium to others whom perhaps are new or less understanding of video games than myself. I would like to hear your thoughts as well so please leave me a comment at the end.

Create Understanding and Make it Crystal Clear

Being part of the enthusiast crowd means that for the people around us we are in many cases the authority figures. Our friends, family and the community look to us for sound gaming information and advice. As enthusiasts I think that it is very easy to get caught up in the “this game is so great, you simply have to play, you don’t know what you’re missing out on!” ideology that we lose sight of our audiences’ understanding.

When faced with situations in which we can discuss video games with others I believe that creating understanding is the key. We want to win non-gamers over. By win over I don’t mean turn them into avid players rather we need to ensure that they understand where we are coming from. They should be able to see what makes video games such an exciting medium and why they should care or at least why they should respect video games and treat it for what it is; an art form.

To do this we need to lose the bias and create a well informed, understandable case and present it effectively so that there is no reason why the listener should not at least respect our enthusiast nature. Every opportunity like this in which I discuss games with friends, previous customers, family etc I try to enforce this rule. I streamline what I say and try to be as clear and logical as possible. You would be surprised how many people change their mind about video games once someone speaks to them in a language in which they can understand.

Streamline Accordingly

Continuing on I use this same approach when speaking to other gamers as well. Nobody likes a ‘know it all’ and in many cases I feel as though I could easily come across this way. Just like in any conversation no one enjoys to be on the receiving end of someone whom knows more than their own good. Sometimes you just need to use a little restraint to ensure that both parties enjoy the spirit of the conversation. So in these instances I streamline what I say so that the other people feel comfortable with what I am game crowd

Respect Other People’s Interest

The more I think about the previous two points the more I believe that it is all a matter of respect. If we respect someone then we will treat them with respect by allowing them to understand us. This matter of respect once again continues on here.

If we respect someone then we will show that respect by accepting that they may not be entirely interested in video games. Many times I have observed fellow gamers ranting on to friends or family whom are simply uninterested.

I quite despise this actually as it comes across as offensive and for the interlocuters of the conversation it lowers the reputation of both our medium and the ranting maniac at hand.

Helping Beginner Players, its all about Community

We were all n00bs at one time or another. Its a fact of life. Which is why I think it is important for experienced players to recognize this and do what they can to assist newer players. I don’t play games online so for me this is uncommon and usually kept among my physical gaming friends but I still feel as though it is important to recognize. This whole n00b culture, especially at LAN parties can be quite frustrating to watch. If someone is having difficulty with a game or setting up their equipment, why is it necessary for us to verbally bash them about it? What gives us the right? By aiding newer players in their time of need we are only helping the community thrive as a whole.

Promote Healthy Game Culture

Thanks to…well ourselves video games are stereotyped as being unhealthy addictions. Of course, much like any form of entertainment this is all user dependent. Long sessions of gaming binges, unhealthy eating habits and awkward seating posture are all unhealthy practices of probably far too many players. By undertaking in these activities we are not only causing harm to ourselves but also to the reputation of our industry.

When this sort of behavior is observed by friends and family, despite being the player’s fault it often falls back onto the game as the reason or cause. The best way to fix this image problem is to stop playing games like this. Take breaks, go eat a stick of celery, sit in a comfortable position. Its all about looking after yourself.

Link Out (18/3/08)

March 17th, 2008

link out aurthur ghosts and gouls

Its funny how even though I had never planned to post up this feature every month, ever since I started I have unknowingly been doing just that. Which would make this a monthly segment. Over the past month I have been considerably busier than normal outside of the blog and as such my list of links aren’t as strong as last time. But as always they make great additional reading if you enjoy reading what I have to say.

Brainy Gamer Podcast #10 – Brainy Gamer

In the past month I have come across Brainy Gamer; a blog dedicated to intelligent discussion on a variety of important issues relating not only the industry but also software and design. The blogger over there; Micheal Abbot, is the most sincere and genuine bloggers that I have come across. He has a real passion and interest in games and it shines through with both his writing but even more so his podcast.

I have selected Podcast #10 for two reasons; firstly it is the latest podcast and has a bunch of interesting observations about GDC and the snark among some bloggers and journos which I find very interesting. Secondly after the main interview there is a 20 second advertisement for this blog (by Matty Jay) followed up by some generously kind words from Micheal. The Brainy Gamer blog comes highly recommended by me and I think that you’ll really enjoy it.

Best Of GDC: ‘Making Games For PlayStation Network – The Facts’ – GameSetWatch

GameSetWatch will be running through some of the best GDC lectures that were perhaps lost amongst the crowd. This time they are looking at a lecture by Chris Eden from Sony talking about some of the more internal Playstation Network information such as what is open to PSN developers, cost and a few interesting statistics. Quite an informative read.

Character Profile: Moblins – Man Bytes Blog

Corvus from Man Bytes Blog shares some thoughts about the Moblin characters in Zelda: Wind Waker. Out of all of the personality in The Wind Waker I find the moblins the most interesting. There is just so much charm in the character design and animation.

You are Lose! Blog

I discovered this blog from a reader comment and have been impressed by the recent slew of content. Much like this blog;You are Lose is an enthusiast gaming blog with a keen eye for notable, game design observations. Korey’s blog is mainly about the game software, so I think that you’ll enjoy this one as well.

1Up Network Director Dan Hsu Explains his Company’s Recent Overhaul – Level Up

N’gai Croal interviews Dan Hsu from the 1Up Network about the recent changes with staff positions and the new alphabetical grading system. Rather insightful.

Pure Pwnage Series Review + Episode 16 – Ed Borden PWNING 9-5

Ed Borden over at PWNING 9-5 has shared his thoughts about episode 16 of the internet show; Pure Pwnage and provided a series run down. If you haven’t already heard of this show then head over, read the summary and see if it sounds like something for you.