Sexiest People in Games – Heihachi Mishima

December 18th, 2007

Heihachi Mishima tekken series

This post is a part of the Sexiest People in Games feature series. Basically this series highlights the hottest guys and gals in video games and provides some detail into the character’s background and the game they have featured in. This may contain some sexual references. See more here.

It was always going to be a struggle following up the previous entry in the series; Morrigan but I think that I’ve done it. Heihachi Mishima is one of the Grandparents of video gaming but (much like Sean Connery) this doesn’t sway the charm one bit. Some may not understand why Heihachi is included in this feature but allow me to make things clear. Heihachi Mishima is sexy as:

Also keep in mind that I don’t want to be biased with this series, hence I shall try an fairly distribute the guys and gals. So it was always going to be hard for me to talk about the guys. >< Now that that’s all cleared up, let’s continue.


Heihachi Mishima started out as the villain of the Tekken series and has dropped this role as the series progressed. He was the owner of the Mishima Zaibatsu which is a family run business by the Mishima family. Mishima Zaibatsu is a crucial parts of the Tekken series as it sets the story for the Mishima family whom also feature as playable characters in the series. Unfortunately the problems within this family (like how they constantly try to kill each other) has resulted in several different different family members owning the business.

Heihachi Mishima tekken series

Heihachi is a staple character in the series as he has hosted most of the Iron Fist Tournaments, paves the way for other major characters and has been in every single game as well as featuring in the PS2 version of Soul Calibur 2.

Featured Games

As previously mentioned Heihachi has been in every single Tekken game. That is Tekken 1-5 and Tag Team Tournament. The Tekken series has been one of the key franchises to bring 2D fighting games into the 3D generation, along with Virtua Fighter and Soul Blade. It is also one of Namco’s strongest gaming brands.

Tekken is famous for its ground breaking 3D fighting system which helped launched the fighting genre into 3D on the Playstation. Since Tekken 3 some fans have been turned off from the series due the minimal upgrades that each game has recieved since Tekken 2 (Tekken Bowl is does not help). As a result in recent years the franchise has been over shadowed by Namco’s Soul Calibur with its fresh approach to 3D fighting.


Video of Heihachi’s combos in Tekken 5

Heihachi has cameoed in many of Namco’s other games such as Soul Calibur 2, Death by Degrees, Anna Kournikova’s Smash Court Tennis and Tales of the Abyss. As well as being referenced to in the GTO manga, a personal favourite that one check it out.

GreenPeace Advertisement against Video Game Consoles

December 14th, 2007

You might have heard recently about GreenPeace and their research into the effect that video game consoles have on the environment. Basically the key factor came down to the amount of toxic elements inside the console, which can’t be recycled.

Now its all well and good for them to do some research but they recently released an advertisement trying to warn people about these toxics elements. I’m not sre what the solution is meant to be: perster the companies or don’t buy games? The advertisement contains 3D characterizations of Mario, Master Chief and Kratos making them look like a bunch of idiot bafoons (probably modelled after the people that decided to launch such an add :P). Whats up with the mushroom coming out of Mario’s ass. This (as well as other comments and actions made by the poorly made 3 models) are completely immature. Take a look to see what I mean:

Video Link 

Unfortunately I’ve had to remove the player for this trailer because Firefox can’t comply with basic web standards and abliterates the the site’s design when the player is present. Sorry.

This really is a low blow. Why can’t GreenPeace go about this in a different way and be a bit more mature about it. And its a bit too late to be complaining now anyways, why didn’t they go to the companies before they made these consoles and offer suggestions? This would actually help fix the problem much like what has been going on in the electrical industry with companies like Panasonic and Sony.

Let me know what you think.

GreenPeace Clash of the Consoles website

Via VG Blogger

Wii Love Golf:: Capcom Character Costumes

December 12th, 2007

It seems as though game character costumes in golf games are all the rage now with a plethora of cameo costumes featured in Techmo’s Super Swing Golf.

tachmo super swing golf cameos

Well it looks as though Capcom want to continue that trend, recently showing off screens oftheir own series of costume cameos for their game Wii Love Golf:

arthur wii love golf
Arthur from Ghosts and Goblins

wii love golf chun-li
Chun-Li from Street Fighter

apollo justice wii love golf
Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney

jill valentine wii love golf
Jill Valentine from Resident Evil