Welcome to The Gaming Blog

November 22nd, 2007

So you’ve probably come to the site to see whats new and have been stunned by the crazy transformation, right? Well allow me to explain whats going on.

What I have done is removed all of the non video game related content an placed it in a new personal blog located at http://primescape.danielprimed.com . I did this to make the blogs more defined in content rather than being a mish mash of unrelated old and new topics. To find out more about everything that has happened take a look here.

What’s New?

What you’ll firstly notice is the new template to accommodate the overall site revision. I’ve stuck with a familiar layout but changed the graphics to give the site a new feel. With this I have added new regular feature image buttons and added a site poll. In addition there will be a few smaller changes going on while I adjust the site to my liking.

As I started writing about video games 6 months ago all of the content since then is on this blog. I’ve had to re-date some of the older content that I wanted to keep so that it fitted within this time period too. Everything else is over at PrimeScape.


I hope that you all like this new move. Although if something isn’t working or doesn’t look right then please drop me an email via the contact form or just leave a comment. WordPress likes to leave little symbols everywhere and mess up the page’s HTML. So theres probably a few of those kinda errors lurking around.

I’ll be working on the site over the next few days, just ironing out any remaining problems. I’ve already got a slew of great articles on the way to celebrate the revised version of this site, so be sure to subscribe to the RSS or email feed to stay up to date.

Thanks heaps for your continued support. ^_^


*Busily Working Away in the Background*

November 21st, 2007

If there is one thing I hate doing its not living up to my promises. One of the promises that I made for this blog was that I’d post every 3 days or so. Now sometimes I haven’t lived up to this but in doing so I have always fixed the problem by posting more frequently before a gap or posting longer, better articles.

As of late I haven’t been able to post as much. Thats not to say that I don’t have content to post its that I’ve been working around the clock to complete the major transforation that this blog will under go in the next day or two.

So I just wanted to keep you guys informed on what will be going on. Be sure to check back here in the next day or two. Thanks for your patience during this busy time.

T-Bag = Total Fag

November 17th, 2007

I’m a big fan of the Internet gaming show; Pure Pwnage and if you’re a fan like me then you’ve probably already seen the latest episode that was released a few days ago, episode 15. Episode 15 had a consistent theme which was Halo 3 and Team Fortress 2. In the episode the main character Jeremy meets Terrence Brown “one of the best Halo 2 players in the world”. Now I don’t know a lot about this guy or even if he is what the show claims he is but I know one thing, the guy’s a douchebag.

Before I explain why, let me share my opinions on the Xbox and Xbox 360. Much like PC LAN culture, I’m not terribly interested in Microsoft’s gaming venture. In fact both the Xbox/Xbox 360 and LAN gaming have always annoyed me a little bit. Theres just something about the whole Americanized PC orientated style of gaming that really doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe its the fact that Xbox gamers seem to think that they are the more elite than the rest of us or that I grew up on games that aren’t currently on Microsoft’s consoles. I’m not sure but in anycase I always find myself frustrated with the ‘macho’, ‘manly’ 360 crowd. In saying this, I am a fair man, the Xbox 360 has a fantastic slew of games, so I try to not let these people affect my interest in the console.

This is an example on how I’m trying not to let fan jerks like Terrence affect my perception of a console, its games and gamers.

So now that you know this, let me explain why I think this guy is a douchebag. During the Pure Pwnage episode Terrence does a little rap, letting us all know that he thinks he is so awesome at Halo and that non 360 games suck. Lemme pull out some lines here:

“Yeah, if you can’t handle me, then you better go play with your Wii”
“Kirby playing bulls**t”
“Wario and all that s**t”
“Its a me, f**k that bulls**t”
“Lets a go, get the f**k outta here, b***h”
“Aight, check it, all you PC gamers out there with your keyboards, with ya little mousy pads, wit tatata da mousees, f**k that s**t”
“Dual analogue, b***h”

Way to go Terrence, you just made you and all of your 360 owning friends look like complete ignorant assholes. I feel totally reassured that Halo 3 on Xbox Live is not full of angry, testosterone fueled people like yourself.

Terrence is probably the perfect example of my experience with the 360 crowd. Cocky children from the PC gaming scene who seem to think that they have 1uped all of us long term console players because they own the best console ever made. Of course not all 360 players are like Terrence. In fact the majority of them are seriously great gamers but like with all of the major gaming consoles, guys like this bring down the name and reputation of that consoles gamers. So although Terrence probably thinks hes pretty cool for doing this rap it actually makes other gamers unfairly frustrated with the 360.

So thanks for doing that Terrence, thanks for pissing off Wii and PC gamers and for fueling our disliking towards 360 owners. Appreciate it.

DPs note: Wasn’t particularly happy with that post, I rewrote it over and over. Couldn’t really express my frustration the right way. But it feels better sharing

DP’S 2nd Note: Before you decide to post a rude comment informing me that I am some sort of idiot because I didn’t know that Terrance Brown was a fictional character then don’t because it will be deleted. I am not a Halo enthusiest so I had no idea if he was real or fictional.  And it seems that this is the case with a lot of people because I have recieved a good deal of traffic from people googling his name.

Ironically some of the comments that I have been recieving just prove how justified the main points of this article are.

Oh and yes, of course I know that Pure Pwnage is also completely fictional. I never said otherwise, so please don’t claim that I did. Thank you.

DP’s third and final note: I’m sick of some people not reading what has been written and ignorantly slagging me out. I’m going to lock the comments.