{"id":649,"date":"2008-07-04T14:02:16","date_gmt":"2008-07-04T14:02:16","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/danielprimed.com\/?p=649"},"modified":"2012-03-03T05:00:35","modified_gmt":"2012-03-03T05:00:35","slug":"game-reviews-critique-subjectivity-and-the-10-point-scale","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/danielprimed.com\/2008\/07\/game-reviews-critique-subjectivity-and-the-10-point-scale\/","title":{"rendered":"Game Reviews: Critique, Subjectivity and the 10 Point Scale"},"content":{"rendered":"
I have already put forth my own frustrations with game reviews<\/a> but I would like to add a little more as I feel that there is still a substantial amount of work that still needs to be done on fixing the current make up of video game assessment.<\/p>\n Check box reviews are reviews where a game is judged based on a preconceived set of builds that determine where the game falls on the scale of good or bad. There is a \u201cstandardized\u201d set of these prerequisites which are often clearly labeled in the reviews such as graphics, gameplay and sound .<\/p>\n More importantly are other controls which are not spoken of but still greatly affect the outcome of a review’s text. This is the company’s\/reviewer’s perception as to what formula and framework make a perfect game. This is a little tough to explain, what I am referring are the opinions that speak to you as:<\/p>\n \u201cI’m a reviewer and for this I know what a great game should consist of and these variables are what I am going to measure my games on\u201d.<\/em><\/p>\n Basically, as the quotation says, the reviewer is the person whom defines what video games are and he reviews based on that judgment. Unfortunately the reviewer is wrong as he should have no role in defining the experience, the experience defines itself. So when we add the already familiar variables (gameplay, sound etc.) in with this pre-purposed idea as to what exactly defines a video game then the result is this broken set of rules for analyzing games with the narrowest of perspectives. Furthermore, additional examples can be seen with MGS4 reviews<\/a> or in Michael Abbott’s commentaries regarding GameSpot and Wii Ware titles<\/a>. As soon as games differ from the reviewer’s norm then things start to get a little messy and this is exactly what we are starting to see.<\/p>\n Critique on the other hand has no such quams because critique only requires that reviewers discuss their experiences with the game. In critique there are no preconceived set of builds to obey just a description of how you found the game. A good example of the contrast is that in critique you don’t even need to mention anything about graphics if you didn’t find them to be relevant enough to the experience (and hence worth discussing). I think that such critique would work well with a game like MegaMan 9 which is a new 8 bit MegaMan coming to WiiWare<\/a> and so to it should.<\/p>\n Critique allows reviewers to focus the review around what they felt mattered in the game. So if I was critiquing Metal Gear Solid 4 (ignoring my past critique<\/a>) I could focus more on the cinematics, story and animation because these were important part of my experience.<\/p>\n One may refer back to my quotation and ask whether what was said is relevant to critique in which case I feel that we are crossing a fine line between ‘rules of the critical analysis method’ and ‘personal preference’. While critique has none of those rules, personal preference and subjectivity undoubtedly come into play.<\/p>\nThe Reviewing Vs Critiquing Framework<\/h3>\n
For a long time this has been (and no surprises here, still remains) the crux of my argument for improving game reviews. The word ‘review’ doesn’t really work in this context as I am comparing ‘reviews’ to critique and the final product will still classified as a review. So lets give it a name like ‘Check Box Review’.<\/p>\n
\nIt is all well and good me throwing these unsubstantiated claims around so to prove my case I need some data. Fortunately for me there is plenty of this available. I will start off with some of my own commentaries regarding reviews of Wii Fit<\/a>, all around the industry many reviewers have struggled at pinning a score and the accommodating opinions onto Wii Fit (which is why the game received so many comfortable 8\/10s<\/a>). This struggle falls directly in line with the above quotation and argument being that, Wii Fit is not a typical game so when assessed on a fixed representation of what game experiences are meant to deliver, the whole system falls apart because there is not enough scope for a game like Wii Fit. So what do reviewers do in this awkward situation? Well they retreat back to other techniques (like reading off the press release!).<\/p>\n
Subjectivity Vs Objectivity<\/h3>\n