{"id":1251,"date":"2009-04-09T15:44:12","date_gmt":"2009-04-09T15:44:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/danielprimed.com\/?p=1251"},"modified":"2012-03-10T10:18:38","modified_gmt":"2012-03-10T10:18:38","slug":"cross-blog-dialogue-gta-chinatown-wars-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/danielprimed.com\/2009\/04\/cross-blog-dialogue-gta-chinatown-wars-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Cross Blog Dialogue: GTA: Chinatown Wars #2"},"content":{"rendered":"
This is the second round of shared commentaries between myself and Steven O’Dell from the Raptured Reality blog<\/a> regarding the recently release GTA: Chinatown Wars<\/a><\/em>. You can read the first part of our conversation here<\/a>.<\/p>\n Daniel<\/strong>: I reached 25% progression on my last play through before I started to write this response.<\/p>\n On the story, it’s pretty pathetic. What surprises me is how long some of the pointless dialogue dribbles on. It’s intended that the gatekeepers to the missions come across as arrogant criminal hypocrites. They’re meant to be annoying pricks because literally they are annoying pricks that murder and beat people, but in Chinatown Wars<\/em> they roll around in it too much. Yes, we know that the Chinese guy is going to protect honour through means of murder, theft and villianary but why does he need an extended script to get this simple message across. I remember the characters in GTAIII<\/em> were frankly too busy to bark orders, they just told me to piss off (often literally) and the game filled in the gaps. I was originally bothered that Rockstar had to promote the protagonist Huang Lee as an spoilt, mature age brat, fortunately though he doesn’t have an exerted amount of character, and is fine.<\/p>\n Hmmm…the Chinese angle. Yeah I reckon that I’ll probably discredit any cultural investigation. Most of the cast is Chinese, making it feel like GTA: Shanghai, although in Shanghai they don’t speak like typical American thugs. Beyond some minor cultural tie-ins, the cast could be re-skinned as Americans and it wouldn’t make a difference. Not sure why the Chinese are at war with the Koreans though, I guess Chinese living in America haven’t caught onto the latest K-Pop\/K-drama phenomena sweeping Asia. ^_^<\/p>\n I wanted to ask you if the game’s map is a mirror of GTA IV<\/em>, that is a smaller, pocket-sized mirror. Also, in terms of scale, how do the size of the two game worlds compare? Obviously GTA:CW <\/em>is smaller, but to what extent?<\/p>\n I found it interesting that the whole map is free to roam from the beginning. The lack of restriction sometimes loses me actually. I head in one direction and then realize I’m lost in a district I’ve never visited before. It plays around with the dynamic, don’t you think?. In previous games you use to familiarize with the game world piece by piece, now it’s delivered all in one gulp. Is this troublesome do you think? The missions tend to congregate in pretty close proximity, but drug tip-offs can send you from one island to another, and with the police on high alert it can make the venture out a little risky I find. A game like GTA<\/em> encourages the player to explore at will, and with no constraints, I lack familiarity with the environment, it’s a bit concerning.<\/p>\n –<\/p>\n Steven:<\/strong> I\u2019m also at 25% completion at the time of writing this response and, to put it simply, I agree on the story so far. I\u2019m leaving myself open to the idea that it is still early days and it has the potential to go places, but until it does (or does not), it\u2019s just been the excuse to participate in and tryout the unique missions we\u2019ve already discussed. The characters aren\u2019t compelling at all, including Huang Lee who as you know, we play as. It is like his role in the story so far is to throw in a one-liner here and there, to interrupt the boring and long ramblings of the characters that give you missions. Perhaps I am spoiled by GTA IV<\/em>\u2019s narrative so it will be interesting to see whether Chinatown Wars<\/em>\u2019 one improves or continues to be there for the sake of acquiring missions. There seems to be a disconnect between what the characters talk about before a mission and then the objectives you end up doing as well. I know that has been the case in all of the GTA games but I guess the boring dialogue just makes it more obvious or something.<\/p>\n To answer your question about the game\u2019s map, it is fairly similar to the Liberty City in GTA IV<\/em> though there are of course subtle differences and changes in Chinatown Wars<\/em>\u2019 version. The entire state of Alderney (where downloadable expansion The Lost And Damned<\/em> takes place) is missing, so that\u2019s one big omission there that I assume was made due to technical reasons. Roads sometimes branch off in different directions as well, though for the most part it isn\u2019t a problem for me because it is mostly similar to the GTA IV<\/em> version. In fact, I felt right at home as soon as I fired it up (one of the first things I did was go for a drive to see what was or wasn\u2019t different) and had no hassles realizing where I was within the city. Reading about your unfamiliarity surprised me actually, though obviously you haven\u2019t played GTA IV<\/em> like I have. I found that having the GPS display on the top screen as well as the bottom one, helped in the areas where I did get confused or lost, though. Having the entire city open to explore isn\u2019t unique to Chinatown Wars<\/em>, it was all open from the beginning in GTA IV<\/em> as well so it feels no different here, though I understand where you are coming from about gradually learning the city. I never thought about it like that before you mentioned it though, which I will put down to my photographic memory. Going back to the story, then, have you met the two characters that appear at around the 25% mark yet \u2013 the ones who look like they could lead the story into a more interesting area? I\u2019m looking forward to seeing where these particular characters take the game and I seriously hope the story starts to pick up as well. Though, if it doesn\u2019t, I\u2019ll still be happy to continue exploring Liberty City and participating in all the side missions.<\/p>\n –<\/p>\n Daniel:<\/strong> I probably wouldn’t hold out much hope for the story. I don’t think I’ve run into those two characters you speak of, is it before or after the point where the Korean gang enters the narrative? Story-wise I’m around that mark. I’ve been spending a good half of my play time hunting down the hidden security cameras, buying property and partaking in rampages, the latter which I thoroughly enjoy. I can’t help but feel that I immerse myself quite heavily in these distractions as a means to better familiarize myself with the boundless environment. As I said in the last response, I don’t feel completely comfortable with the territory, at least as much as I did with the other games, due to the game world being fully open from the start (rather than gradually revealing itself). My familiarity is now spread over a much larger surface area and is naturally thinner than it would be if that area was contained.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n