When it comes to 3D games, my preferred genre of choice is action\/adventure, and for 2D games, it’d have to be the platformer. Platformer is a little too broad a definition as the games within this genre often encompass action, puzzle and role playing elements – it’s more or less the 8\/16bit equivalent of the action adventure. Super Mario Bros<\/em>, Shinobi<\/em>, Castlevania<\/em> are all justified examples of games straddling between genre conventions. On the whole, I guess you could say that I’m an enthusiast of the action\/adventure genre of any make up.<\/p>\n
I’ve always been interested in RPGs, but less conventionally so than the typical RPG player. My brother is a good example of that type of player, so my tastes are roughly derived of titles that occasionally interest me from his side of the collection. This makes for a seemingly diverse, perhaps sporadic interest in the genre, with my favourite games including Lufia 2<\/em><\/a>, Final Fantasy Tactics<\/em>, Fire Emblem<\/em> and Golden Sun<\/em>.<\/p>\n
Whatever the case, I have finally rebooted my foray into the traditional JRPG genre, beginning with Final Fantasy Origins<\/em> on the PSone (it contains the first two games). In fact, if you’ve been following me on Twitter (and please don’t, the service is clearly works only for pretentious fags*) then you’ll know that I’ve completed Final Fantasy<\/em><\/a> and am already a good portion through the Final Fantasy II<\/em><\/a> adventure. Yay for steadfast progress.<\/p>\n
As expected I’ll be writing up my thoughts for consumption soon. I usually have a steady string of new posts, sitting on the side lines waiting to be uploaded to DanielPrimed, but I haven’t been in the writing mood the past few days and am left more or less high and dry. Obviously I want to write about this marathon which I’ve been on for the past 2-3 weeks, I’ve finally finished reading the Metal Gear Solid<\/a><\/em> novel<\/a> too and will be sharing my thoughts as well as a dot point comparison of nuances between book, game and lore. I’m probably going to can my Syphon Filter: LS<\/em> writing<\/a> and instead wrap a few great ideas into a deeply personal critique of the series in relation to early 90s action cinema and my childhood. I do want to analyze the Aussie bloke; Dane Bishop in Logan’s Shadow<\/em> though as he’s a particularly interesting character. That’s a bit of a teaser, I guess. Been prepping a lot of Chinese articles for my Chinese blog lately, including a 2000 character gaming manifesto which I’m very proud of. Look forward to hitting my groove again while I pray some of this university homework would disappear.<\/p>\n
*Been pondering a way to prove this through the linguistic make-up of the service and spin it into an interesting article. Still thinking…<\/p>\n<\/address>\n